We would love to hear from you. Message us via our AGB Facebook page, or shoot us an email.
If you are interested in joining us, check out our Association Objects. Our Membership standards are pretty strict and we want to make that clear upfront. Members are committed to annual whole-herd testing as well as DNA parent verification for all breeding stock - these two items are mandatory criteria. You really need to be a premium breeder if you are not working with a mentor.
If AGB sounds like you, simply complete the questionnaire below. Be sure to include your phone number so our Membership Officer can give you a call back. The process takes around 4 weeks.
Please note: AGB Inc. (Australian Goat Breeders Inc.), is not associated or affiliated in any way with the MGBA (the Miniature Goat Breeders Association of Australia Inc.)
Australian Goat Breeders Inc.
National Breed Association
What's Australian Goat Breeders Inc. all about?​
We are unapologetically not a pet group. We are a breed Association for serious, premium breeders. These Objects encapsulate our objectives and philosophy:
Create a place where goat breeders committed to best practice methods of breeding and husbandry can register animal pedigrees and join goat related events.
Support Members access to local and international learning, participation in shows, herd recording, production testing and other evaluation programs.
Facilitate Members recording and maintaining a database of pedigree records for stud animals, with all breeding stock kid registrations being DNA parent verified.
Promote the qualifications of our Members and their animals, and recognise all awards they have earned.
Encourage participation in the Australian Livestock Assurance Program and annual herd testing.
To favourably promote miniature goat breeds in Australia within the industry and to the broader population.
Develop platforms which offer economic and promotional opportunities for Members.
Foster a friendly and collaborative environment for breeders committed to herd improvement and ultimately working toward purebred status of their animals.